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"Craig Boston was a life saver! He is very thorough, empathetic, and professional. He was able to help me with my driving infractions in a quick and easy manner. Thank you, Craig!" -Jessica Realzola

Naperville Aggravated Speeding Defense Attorney

Traffic Violation Lawyer Defending Clients Charged With Aggravated Speeding in Naperville, IL

If you have been charged with aggravated speeding, you may be in danger of losing your driving privileges, paying hefty fines, or even incarceration. Without sound legal representation, you could face serious penalties, and you will be less likely to receive lenient treatment. An experienced traffic defense attorney can give you a voice in the trial, reducing or even dismissing the sentence against you.

Attorney Craig L. Boston has a storied background in traffic law. He previously worked as a prosecutor, and he now serves as a defense attorney for clients in Naperville. He has been practicing law for over 15 years, with hundreds of satisfied clients. He gives every case his fullest attention, working to ensure that traffic violations and related charges can be resolved successfully.

What Is Aggravated Speeding?

In Illinois, you can be charged with aggravated speeding for going at least 26 mph over a posted speed limit. At minimum, aggravated speeding is a Class B misdemeanor, and a conviction carries penalties that may include a jail sentence of up to six months and as much as $1,500 in fines. This is obviously a less-than-ideal outcome for a first-time offender who is trying to keep up a normal life. The charges become more severe in cases where a person is accused of speeding by at least 35 mph; this is considered a Class A misdemeanor, and penalties may include up to 12 months in jail and $2,500 in fines.

Factors That May Affect Your Case

There are other circumstances that can affect your sentence beyond the speed at which you were traveling. For instance, if you are under the age of 21, and you have been convicted of another moving violation in the past 24 months, your license may be suspended for six months based on Illinois' traffic points system. This can be a huge setback for students trying to get to college or others who need to be able to drive on a daily basis.

Fighting an Aggravated Speeding Charge in Court

A common defense for drivers convicted of aggravated speeding is to request court supervision, where the driver must not incur any traffic violations for a set period of time. If you have a good driving record and are unlikely to make the same mistake again, this may be a good option. A successful period of court supervision will result in the case being closed with no conviction against you.

For a first offense, a request for court supervision is likely to be granted, but it is not guaranteed. Depending on the circumstances of the charge, you may be disqualified from court supervision from the start. Disqualifying circumstances may include:

Even if court supervision is not an option, a skilled traffic defense lawyer can argue the facts of your case to minimize the potential harm to your life. While jail time for an aggravated speeding charge is rare, you may face high fines and other penalties. This type of violation can cause your insurance rates to increase dramatically, and a misdemeanor charge will remain on your public record.

Consult With a Naperville, Illinois Aggravated Speeding Defense Lawyer Today

If you have been charged with aggravated speeding, our skilled lawyer can walk with you every step of the way, fighting on your behalf in court. Attorney Craig Boston has demonstrated an approachable attitude with clients, and he is known for his aggressive defense in the courtroom. With over 300 5-star reviews on Google, he has a successful track record for keeping drivers on the road and protecting his client's rights.

To discuss any questions or concerns you may have about your pending case, contact the Law Office of Craig L. Boston or reach out over the phone at 630-445-2295 to set up your free consultation.

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