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"Attorney Craig Boston is extremely helpful and professional. He helped reduce a misdemeanor charge to a regular speeding ticket and kept my driving record clean. I absolutely recommend him to get the best results!" -Kevin C

Naperville School Zone Violation Defense Attorney

Traffic Defense Lawyer for School Zone Violations in Naperville, IL

Compared to other traffic offenses, school zone violations in Illinois come with stricter enforcement and penalties. A traffic ticket on your driving record can lead to higher insurance premiums and the potential for license suspension after multiple convictions. If you have been charged with a school zone violation, you should know that you have options to fight it. With the aid of a reliable traffic defense lawyer, you can contest the charges in court and avoid the damaging stigma of a conviction on your record.

Attorney Craig L. Boston has more than a decade of practical experience in traffic law. During his career, he has handled thousands of cases with successful results, working one-on-one with clients to secure favorable outcomes in the courtroom. The law moves quickly in cases involving traffic violations, so if you are facing a school zone violation, the best time to seek representation is now.

What Qualifies as a School Zone Violation?

Exceeding the posted speed limit in a school zone can result in you being pulled over and ticketed. In most cases, reduced speed limits in these zones are in effect on school days when children are present, anywhere between the hours of 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM. A typical school zone speed limit is no more than 20 miles per hour.

What Is the Penalty for a School Zone Violation?

A first-time violation can be punished by a fine of anywhere from $150 to $1,000, and every violation after that will cost you a minimum of $300 if you are convicted. Generally speaking, you will not see jail time for speeding in a school zone. However, aggravated speeding in a school zone could lead to misdemeanor charges, and more serious penalties may apply if someone has been injured because of a school zone violation.

When you are charged with a school zone violation, the law will take how fast you were going into consideration. Speeding in a school zone is typically charged as a petty offense, but if you allegedly exceeded the speed limit by 26 miles or more, you can be charged with a much more serious Class B misdemeanor, which could lead to up to $1,500 in fines and half a year in prison. At 35 miles above the posted school zone speed limit, you can be charged with a Class A misdemeanor, which carries up to a year in prison and $2,500 in fines.

Handling a School Zone Violation

Many lesser traffic offenses allow you to request court supervision, which is a period in which you must maintain good behavior and avoid additional traffic violations. If you complete a period of court supervision, this will allow all charges to be dropped. However, school zone violations are NOT eligible for court supervision. This strict measure is meant to ensure that drivers take the laws seriously. Because of this, getting a lighter sentence in a case involving a school zone violation will require knowledge of the law and experience in traffic violation defense.

Depending on the circumstances behind your ticket, Attorney Boston may use one or more of the following arguments to help you defend against a conviction:

  • The infraction took place outside of school hours.
  • The measures to track your speed at the time of the offense were inaccurate or faulty.
  • There was a lack of clear signage indicating a school zone.

Attorney Boston will review all of the facts of your case to determine your best options for defense. He will help you develop a defense strategy to minimize your potential penalties and prevent issues that could affect your driver's license or other aspects of your life.

Contact Our Naperville School Zone Violation Lawyer Today

The effects of a conviction for a school zone violation can wreak havoc in your life. Expensive fines, points on your driving record that can result in your license being suspended, and the possibility of jail time in certain cases may need to be addressed. Our traffic defense attorney can argue in your favor, working to help you secure the best outcome to your case.

Attorney Craig L. Boston has kept thousands of drivers on the road through his aggressive defense against traffic violations. If you have any questions or concerns about a school zone violation ticket, contact the Law Office of Craig L. Boston at 630-445-2295 and set up a free consultation.

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