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"Craig Boston was a life saver! He is very thorough, empathetic, and professional. He was able to help me with my driving infractions in a quick and easy manner. Thank you, Craig!" -Jessica Realzola

Illinois Traffic Point System Defense

Protecting Your Illinois Driving Record from Traffic Points

Traffic violations add up fast in Illinois. Every conviction for a moving violation will be included in your driving record, leading to stacking penalties that can result in the loss of your driver's license for months or even years. This is part of Illinois' traffic point system, which weighs the severity of different moving violations to determine whether a license suspension is warranted. Without a license, your opportunities for employment can become severely restricted, and state law harshly penalizes driving on a suspended license. You may feel overwhelmed by the prospect of going to court and fighting a moving violation, but in some cases, this may be the only way to avoid a crippling setback in your daily life.

Attorney Craig L. Boston is a traffic defense lawyer with over 15 years of legal experience. He has represented clients in a wide variety of cases involving moving violations, ranging from DUI to school zone violations to aggravated speeding. As a former prosecutor for DuPage County, Craig knows what arguments will be used against you, and he can make sure they will be addressed correctly while working to secure a favorable outcome to your case.

How Do Traffic Violation Points Work?

For minor traffic offenses like speeding, you may be tempted to just resolve the issue by paying the ticket so that you will not have to appear in court. However, paying the ticket is the same as pleading guilty to the offense. Accordingly, any traffic points associated with that ticket will be added to your driving record. Some moving violations that incur traffic points are listed below:

  • Going over the speed limit: 5-50 points (depending on speed and other factors behind the ticket)
  • Failing to stop and exchange information with other people involved in an accident: 15-50 points (depending on whether injuries occurred or if a vehicle was unattended)
  • Failure to signal: 15 points.
  • Texting while driving: 20 points.
  • Illegal passing: 20 points.
  • Disregarding a traffic light or sign: 20 points.
  • Carrying alcohol in an unsealed container in the vehicle: 25 points.
  • Reckless driving: 55 points.

If you are convicted of three traffic violations within a year, your license will be suspended for an amount of time depending on the points you had on record, as follows:

  • 0-14 points: no suspension period
  • 15-44 points: two-month suspension
  • 45-74 points: three-month suspension
  • 75-89 points: six-month suspension
  • 90-99 points: nine-month suspension
  • 100-109 points: one-year suspension
  • 110+ points: license revocation

It is possible to get your license reinstated after having it suspended or revoked, though this typically involves a long waiting period, an expensive reinstatement fee, and a hearing before the Secretary of State. If at all possible, you should fight traffic violations in court with the aid of a legal professional to avoid a conviction and points on your record.

Traffic Points for Drivers Under 21

Traffic points work differently for younger drivers in Illinois, with much stricter penalties to discourage irresponsible driving. For drivers under 21, it only takes two traffic violation convictions for a license to be suspended. Furthermore, the thresholds for each penalty are dramatically lowered, as listed below:

  • 0-14 points: no suspension period
  • 10-34 points: one-month suspension
  • 35-49 points: three-month suspension
  • 50-64 points: six-month suspension
  • 65-79 points: twelve-month suspension
  • 80+ points: license revocation

Speak With a Naperville Traffic Defense Attorney Today

Never assume that a traffic violation is not worth taking to court. A skilled traffic defense attorney can be your best advocate in these proceedings, working to help you achieve the best possible outcome in your case. Attorney Craig L. Boston has distinguished himself in Naperville as an aggressive defender of motorists' rights, and he has helped hundreds of people protect their licenses. If you have any questions about a pending traffic violation, the Law Office of Craig L. Boston offers free consultations. Call 630-445-2295 or contact us online.

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