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"Craig Boston was a life saver! He is very thorough, empathetic, and professional. He was able to help me with my driving infractions in a quick and easy manner. Thank you, Craig!" -Jessica Realzola

Warrenville Traffic Defense Lawyer

Reliable Traffic Ticket Defense Attorney for Clients in Warrenville, IL

Traffic violations related to reckless driving or other offenses can throw your life into chaos. One mistake or lapse in judgment can be costly, resulting in heavy fines, the suspension of your license, or even jail time. You may feel pressure from law enforcement to accept the charges against you. If you have been accused of reckless driving, DUI, aggravated speeding, or other violations of traffic laws, the smartest thing you can do is to meet with an experienced traffic defense lawyer. The courtroom can be unforgiving, but having a professional advocate on your side can make all the difference in the outcome of your case.

Craig L. Boston is a traffic defense attorney with over 14 years of experience in hundreds of traffic law cases. He can assist with a wide variety of charges, including driving with a license that has been suspended or revoked, school zone and construction zone violations, and fleeing and eluding police. As a solo practitioner, Craig handles every case personally, and he can provide the diligence and care that you deserve. Past clients have praised his aggressive defense and approachable demeanor, along with his savvy strategies to uphold the rights of motorists in Warrenville.

What Is Reckless Driving?

Reckless driving refers to any knowingly dangerous behavior while operating a vehicle that can give a police offense pretense to pull you over, especially when other people or property are at risk. The only specific reckless driving offense outlined in Illinois law is intentionally causing your vehicle to become airborne at an incline on the road; however, you can be pulled over and charged with reckless driving for other acts, including:

  • Excessive speeding
  • Texting while driving
  • Drag racing
  • Abrupt lane changes and/or failure to signal

Reckless driving in Illinois is considered a Class A misdemeanor, which is less severe than a felony but still carries the potential for up to a year of jail time and a maximum of $2,500 in fines. If reckless driving resulted in significant property damage or bodily harm to another person, your case may be prosecuted more harshly. A skilled traffic defense attorney can negotiate an outcome to your case that protects your freedoms and helps you avoid high fines.

Handling a Reckless Driving Charge

Though a misdemeanor on your record may seem minor, the long-term consequences can pile up faster than you think. A reckless driving charge in Illinois puts a strike on your record, and if you accrue three strikes for moving violations in a 12-month period, your license will be suspended or possibly revoked.

There are sound defenses to mitigate the seriousness of a reckless driving charge. For instance, if you can prove that your reckless driving was not intentional and was the result of an honest mistake (such as forgetting to signal or not seeing a posted speed limit), you may be able to plead guilty to a lesser charge of negligent driving. Negligent driving is considered a petty offense, which will still show up on your record but carries no jail time and a lighter fine.

Alternatively, you may have the option to avoid a conviction altogether by requesting court supervision. Court supervision places your driving under scrutiny; if you avoid any moving violations for a set period of time—usually a few months—the charge will be dropped from your record. However, you should know that you can only request court supervision for a reckless driving or DUI charge oncein the state of Illinois. A traffic defense attorney can advise you on the best strategy for your long-term welfare.

Get in Contact with a Warrenville, Illinois Traffic Defense Attorney

If you are up against a reckless driving charge, or if you are facing other traffic violations that could affect your driver's license, your finances, and your freedom, know that you have options. With Attorney Craig L. Boston on your side, you can rest assured knowing you will be represented in court by someone with years of experience in traffic law. Contact the Law Office of Craig L. Boston at 630-445-2295 for a free consultation.

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